Monday, August 6, 2012

Public Relations: Press Release

One of the things that a Public Relations department might be called upon to do is a press release. This is a press release that I wrote in 2009 for a real product that was released by Disney Parks and Verizon Wireless. This press release was written as an assignment for one of my Ashford University classes and is not the actual press release for the product.

Public Relations and Crisis Communications

Public Relations is an essential component to almost any business or public entity. One of functions that public relations fills is assisting in moments where unexpected or unfortunate things occur, necessitating crisis communications. The following paper discusses crisis communications and analyzes it in action in the wake of a tragic event at Walt Disney World.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Technical Writing: Planning Proposal

This planning proposal was the final assignment for my Technical Writing course. The assignment called on me to write a planning proposal to the administrators of Ashford University on how to improve a process or system at the university. This proposal was created for the assignment and was not submitted to the university in an official capacity.

Technical Writing: Who let the dog out?

You did! That is if you followed this simple process instruction on how to let a dog out into the yard.

Technical Writing: Instructions


Knowing how to bottle feed an infant is an important skill for most parents and caretakers of the child. On the surface it may seem like a simple thing to do, but there are still important steps to follow. By following these steps in feeding a typical, healthy infant, a good feeding will be achieved.

How to Deliver Bad News

The following paper was written in response to a case study that was given during the third week of the course. The case study:

“You are a department manager in a mid-sized company that provides technology support services.  You have ten employees who are required to maintain a high level of technical expertise and deliver excellent customer service.  One of your employees, who has been with the company for two years, is performing at a substandard level and you have received numerous complaints from customers and coworkers.  In addition, this employee has displayed confrontational behavior which has created a hostile environment.  You must now meet with this employee and deliver an ultimatum regarding the need for immediate improvement or dismissal.”

Monday, July 23, 2012

Media Technologies

            The advanced state of technology in the world has been an undeniable boon to the production, transmission, and consumption of media across the world. Long gone are the days where access to media was extremely limited to paper copies of newspapers, voice-only radio broadcasts, or a sparse number of television stations. Nowadays media is produced for every media type, tailored to be viewed on certain formats, and able to be consumed on paper or in countless electronic devices. This paper will look at how news media websites utilize media technology, how mobile phones and entertainment systems have changed how we consume media, and how social media involves the world in the media itself.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Weeks Ahead

This blog has been created as part of my Communications Studies capstone course at Ashford University, under the instruction of Professor Serra. This blog exists to act as a showcase of the skills and theories that I have developed through my course of study at Ashford. The blog will provide samples of work that I have generated over the last few years. By the time the capstone course has ended, this blog should represent a snapshot of my skills as a Communications Studies major.
Whether you are a fellow student, an instructor from Ashford University, or a prospective employer, the posts to follow will provide samples of writing that showcase the different areas that I have studied. It will be presented in a very straightforward, easy to navigate format and the design should make it easy to seek out topics and subjects that meet your interests. If the information you are searching for is difficult to find or understand then that will be a failure of that element. To that end everything will be streamlined with a focus on readability. I promise to keep away from distracting elements and poor layouts.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Beginning

Welcome to Professor Serra and my fellow students from Ashford University's COM 480 class. This will the home to all of my future blog posts for the next five weeks during this course. Be patient with me while I work on this to get it to be an informative and nice-looking blog!