Monday, July 9, 2012

The Weeks Ahead

This blog has been created as part of my Communications Studies capstone course at Ashford University, under the instruction of Professor Serra. This blog exists to act as a showcase of the skills and theories that I have developed through my course of study at Ashford. The blog will provide samples of work that I have generated over the last few years. By the time the capstone course has ended, this blog should represent a snapshot of my skills as a Communications Studies major.
Whether you are a fellow student, an instructor from Ashford University, or a prospective employer, the posts to follow will provide samples of writing that showcase the different areas that I have studied. It will be presented in a very straightforward, easy to navigate format and the design should make it easy to seek out topics and subjects that meet your interests. If the information you are searching for is difficult to find or understand then that will be a failure of that element. To that end everything will be streamlined with a focus on readability. I promise to keep away from distracting elements and poor layouts.

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